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I'm Maria Franck. I work as a freelance copywriter and as a self-taught photographer. I have a deep love for still life, pretty things and my little family. A love for design, pretty little things, kids' clothing and aesthetics.
On this page I collect my work, my memories and pretty things I stumble upon
I'm a mother of two little, stubborn girls. For me, writing and photography go hand in hand with parenthood. It's all about documenting the little things in life. Keeping memories of their childhood close
Ang. portrætfotograferinger:
Det annonceres altid på min instagram, når jeg afholder dage med portrætfotograferinger.
På nuværende tidspunkt har jeg ikke tid til at fotografere udenfor disse planlagte tidspunkter. Derfor, så hold øje med min instagram. Hjemmefotografering er en mulighed på Sjælland og periodevis i Aarhus.

Maria Franck
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